For Respiratory protection you can trust 3M Scott products

The 3M Scott Air-Pak 75i SCBA is a NIOSH-approved SCBA designed with durability, dependability and user focus in mind. The Air-Pak 75i SCBA utilizes a similar material design as the NFPA certified Air-Pak 75 SCBA, but with optional accessories like a Heads-Up Display (HUD) and Rapid Intervention Crew / Universal Air Connection (RIC/UAC).

The Ska-Pak Plus supplied-air respirator is a combination escape SCBA and a supplied-air respirator that offers emergency respiratory protection in hazardous atmospheres, including those identified as immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH).

ELSA – Emergency Escape Breathing Device
In emergency situations where breathable air quality may be or has been compromised, getting away from the contamination is critical. That means two things: (1) Do it quickly. (2) Do it safely. The ELSA Emergency Escape Breathing Device (EEBD) from Scott Safety gives you the means to do both easily and effectively. Scott’s “grab-and-go” ELSA unit is designed to be put on and activated quickly. The clear polyurethane hood fits comfortably and securely over the head and provides 360-degree visibility.

Take advantage of the 3M “Trade-in Trade-up” program for half-mask and full-facepiece reusable respirators in a few easy steps:
1. Identify your equipment from another brand that you would like to change
2. Contact SPIs representatives to submit your trade-in request
For more information on the program,
Contact by telephone:
Contact our representatives at 1 866 861-8111 to discuss these 3M Scott PPEs.