The lockout standard targets your mobile equipment!
Did you know that Standard “CSA Z460”, on the control of hazardous energy and lockout is now applicable to your mobile equipment? A recent addition to this standard’s scope could have a significant impact on your work methods.
A majority of SMEs is only beginning to comply with the new standard “CSA Z460” regarding mobile equipment. Do you have the necessary risk analysis and software processing expertise to deal with this new requirement?
The standard “CSA Z460” specifies the requirements for the control of hazardous energy associated with potentially dangerous machines, equipment and processes (including mobile machines and equipment). However, as per article 1.4, there is no requirement regarding lockout procedures for machines or equipment manually activated and with the operator as being the sole source of power.
In this context, it is sometimes difficult to determine if the equipment or machine should be considered fixed or mobile. In order to clarify what the standard calls “mobile machines or equipment”, the Annex L was added. It proposes examples of equipment targeted by this new modification.
To move or not to move? That is no more the question!
Users of all mobile equipment, including aircrafts and ships, must now apply the appropriate control of hazardous energy methods, including lockout or predetermined non-lockout securement.
Considering the update of the standard, the following measures must be put in place:
- Identification and detailed analysis of all risks that will lead to the development of a method to control hazardous energies.
- Preparation of lockout procedures depending on the results of the risk analysis.
- 24/7 procedure availability for consultation by the staff using the employer’s choice of media.
There is a lot to do!
This new requirement, integrated into the standard in 2013, is already applied in many Canadian provinces. In Quebec, many companies were required by the CSST to conduct risk analysis on construction site equipment and produce lockout procedures. Therefore, we can expect inspectors to target mobile equipment fleet throughout Canada.
Large companies are already compliant or are underway to implement lockout processes. They must now take care of their mobile equipment fleet. As for SMEs, they have barely entered into the process, which is nevertheless mandatory. Are you ready to address the tightening of prescriptive standards concerning the control of hazardous energy related to mobile machines or equipment? SPI consultants have the expertise to help you. Contact us.
Mobile forestry equipment
Mobile mining equipment
Mobile construction equipment
Railway industry
Public transportation
Farm machinery
Lift trucks
Mobile cranes
Lifting appliances
Transportation vehicles
Autonomous vehicles (without operator)
Municipal sector
Alain Daoust, CRIA, CRSP, VEA
Environment, Health and Safety Director, SPI Health and Safety
Vice-president of the review committee for standard CSA Z460 (2013)