No more back pain, all about office ergonomics
More and more people are working from the comfort of their own homes. Whether it's full-time or just a few hours a week, your time in front of the computer shouldn't create any aches and pains.
Take advantage of these tips to ensure you maintain good desk ergonomics over the short and long term.
Keep an adequate distance from the screen
- To help your visual health, try to keep a minimum distance of 50 cm from any screen when performing your daily tasks.
Frequently deviate your gaze
- To limit eye fatigue and visual acuity loss as much as possible, it is important to look away from your screen at least once every 15 minutes. For example, look outside the window for a few seconds or move to another room in your house.
Lean your entire back against the back of your chair.
Make sure that your back is always supported on your work chair, which must also be adjusted to your position.
Upper Body
Relax your shoulders
- Release your shoulder muscles and try to keep them loose as long as possible.
Place your arms in the right position
- The height of your desk must allow you to hold your arms in a horizontal position, implying that your elbows are at an angle slightly greater than 90°.
Move your dominant hand
- Often, we tend to leave our hand on the mouse for a very long time without interruption. Take the time to change the position or grip of your hand now and then.
Lower Body
Sit fully on a stable surface
- To be comfortable, try to cover the entire sitting surface as much as possible while working.
Move your knees away from the table
- To avoid contact and accidents, keep a distance between your knees and your work desk.
Keep your legs at 90°
- A continuous 90° angle will help ensure good blood circulation in your lower body.
Rest your feet
- To improve blood circulation, place your feet on stable surfaces such as the floor or a footrest when you are at your desk.
If you have any questions about the ergonomic conditions of your employees’ homes, don’t hesitate to find out more or contact one of our ergonomics consultants today by clicking here!
SPI can also support your company on ergonomic issues in many ways;
- Ergonomic risk analysis
- Analysis of disability and return to work
- Design and layout of ergonomic work environments
- Home Hazard Prevention Program
- Workplace Hazard Prevention Program