SPI Health and Safety listens to its customers and partners
In 2018, we developed the “Voice of Customer” program to gather your comments and main concerns.
Always striving to be the best partner of companies that value health and safety at work, SPI constantly seeks to better understand your needs and expectations.
Through small surveys, we have received a great deal of constructive feedback, and we would like to inform you of what we did with them. Inspired by your ideas, here are the main actions that have been taken or will be in the upcoming months.
SPI Website
We heard you. You want a website that is faster and easier to use. Started in February 2019, and for the next ten months, SPI is implementing new technologies to its website to offer an improved experience and new features that will facilitate your search and shopping. Some of our clients have already participated in workshops to help us build a website that will reflect what you really need!
Technical Services
Our team is currently working to improve our inspection and certification processes in our workshops across Canada. Our objective? That you can return your equipment faster and continue your work safely.
Inventory and Delivery Times
The expansion of our distribution center, which was completed in December 2018, will allow us to increase by 50% the equipment available and deliverables within 24 to 48 hours. We also reviewed our procedures to provide you with more accurate delivery dates and concrete solutions when ordering products that are not in stock.
Your ideas and suggestions are at the heart of our strategies! Want to be part of the solution and help us innovate?
For more information on our “Voice of Customer” program, click here.