The anti-fog technology to get rid of condensation for good!

The anti-fog technology to get rid of condensation for good!


You are not concerned about the fog on your safety glasses? Knowing that lens fogging has a direct impact on the safety of your employees, as well as on their productivity and the financial results of your company may change your outlook on the situation.

Condensation on the lens of your safety glasses is the most frequent health and safety issue among users. Fogging is the result of water vapour condensation in contact with a cold surface in a humid environment. Without treatment, it is almost impossible to avoid lens fogging on your safety glasses, regardless of the work environment.

Yet, maintaining an unobstructed vision is essential for the wellbeing of the workers; with a clear visual field, the risks of accidents are reduced drastically. Productivity and compliance are also severely compromised when an employee must remove his eye protection device to clean it.

For those reasons, workers and managers are searching for long-term anti-fog technology solutions. Technological developments now provide high-quality products on the market.

Condensation factors

Fog is due to many different factors all related to temperature and humidity. It can be attributed to the environmental heat and humidity, or even body temperature and sweat as much as the transition between two environments with two different temperatures.

A lesser-known condensation factor is the cleaning of safety glasses. Each time lenses are cleaned, the anti-fog properties are washed away, rendering them less resistant to environmental conditions.

Different impacts

Lens fogging on safety glasses have many different impacts on the safety of employees, on their productivity as well as on the productivity of the organization.

Whatever the reason why an employee’s vision is blocked by fog, the risk of an accident is increased. When unable to see all the dangers found in a work environment, the employee is vulnerable to all sorts of potential incidents, accidents and injuries. And if this employee must remove his eye protection device, whether to clean his glasses or to better see his surroundings, he exposes himself to the very risks from which he needs protection. Aside from physical dangers, the employee is exposed to the hazards of harmful visible and invisible light. The effects of exposure to optical radiation range from visual fatigue to dryness and irritation and can lead to permanent vision loss.

As for productivity, efficiency suffers when an employee must repeatedly remove his glasses to wipe them off. All those repeated interruptions over a work shift can significantly lower the employee’s efficiency percentage in achieving his objectives. The accumulated costs of all those work disruptions caused by condensation and fog have an important impact.

Compliance is also greatly impacted by fog. An employee forced to remove his safety glasses to wipe the fog will be tempted to keep them off to stop the hassle of doing this several times a day, consequently facing situations of legal non-compliance. And non-compliance with legal regulations can prove to be very costly.

The choices of anti-fog protection

Although there are anti-fog wipes and sprays, the most complete and integrated solution on the market is the high-performance anti-fog coating lens. There are several different coating technologies on the market, each of them with different efficiency, durability or performance levels.

The dual-action anti-fog technology seems to be the most reliable: the hydrophilic property of the lens absorbs humidity, and the hydrophobic property repels the formed droplets off the lens. This dual-action technology is permanent even after numerous cleaning and wiping. With this complete anti-fog technology, the worker will be able to wear his protection at work and fulfill his tasks productively with peace of mind.

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