Are you afraid of implementing a lockout system?
Lockout is an essential component to eliminate accident risks by cutting out all hazardous energy sources from the equipment. You also need a lockout procedure, a reference document indicating a series of vital information such as the lockout work sequence and the unlocking procedure.
But not all companies have understood this concept yet! Why are they afraid of applying a lockout system and not of the accidents caused by its absence?
Troubling situation
Recently, the CSA has expressed its concern about the lack of interest of Canadian SMEs concerning the implementation of a lockout system. Many experienced auditors identified that the lockout was not a priority in Ontario and western provinces.
Nothing can replace the loss of life
A serious accident has irreplaceable human costs. Loss of life, loss of autonomy caused by an amputation... However, OHS investments, such as a lockout, are always considered an expense.
Do the math!
Evaluate the implementation costs of lockout procedures in your company. Then, compare these financial costs with those of a serious accident. Record the costs associated with your lockout program under investments instead of expenses.
Management gains
Beyond money, there are numerous examples of companies that have observed the positive effects of a lockout system in their daily management.
- Improved OHS management in the company:
Efficient lockout has an overall impact on health and safety management. The reduction of accidents at work can be verified in other areas.
- Harmonization of work practices:
Lockout procedures provide sustainable work practices throughout the company. This method makes it easier to train and integrate new employees.
- Increased rigour:
Compliance with lockout procedure requirements helps bring rigour to the practices applied in other sectors in the company. Many have seen improvements in their maintenance processes, quality assurance and productivity.
- Superior communication:
The lockout procedure encourages better risk communication between employees and builds their confidence in the workplace. A positive impact on work relations and personnel retention.
Would you like specialists to analyze your situation and develop a lockout program specific to your hazardous energies? SPI has established a division specialized in lockout to assist you!
Alain Daoust, cria; crsp; vea
EHS Expertise Director, SPI Health and Safety