Hearing Protection - Protecting your ears is protecting your future
Sometimes, people tend to take some of their capabilities for granted, but it is crucial to ensure their long-term health. Hearing is one of those natural abilities that workers and their employers must protect.
Regardless of the field of activity, workers are at risk of hearing damage if their equipment or ways of protecting themselves are ineffective.
It is also the employer's duty, according to the CSA Z94.2 standard, to minimize noise at the source with engineering measures.
When the noise remains too loud, the worker must wear appropriate hearing protection, such as molded earplugs, earmuffs, or any custom ear protection, depending on the exposure environment.
When should we start thinking about hearing protection for a worker in action?
For health and safety purposes, one must always remember that protection against noise is mandatory. The long-term impacts on a worker's health are enormous if we lack vigilance and prevention.
Our hearing protection offer:
- Hearing protection training: online or on-site
- Qualitative fit test to ensure that workers' hearing protection is worn effectively
- Evaluations and analyses of employee exposures to different noise levels by mapping locations and using sonometry or dosimetry
- Support for the development of a hearing conservation program
1 877-544-0911
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